How many ways do you know to arrange flowers in the house so that it would be pleasing to the eye?
People who are far from floristry, but who buy flowers from time to time, usually know 2:
• Put the bouquet in a vase with water in the form in which they were collected by the florist in the store (whether or not having removed the packaging);
• Do nothing and leave as is, if it is a composition assembled on a sponge (in a hat box, in a basket, etc.). The most advanced know that it needs to be watered from time to time so that the sponge does not dry out and the composition lasts longer.

Florists know more ways and many of them can be used at home. Some of them came to us from Asia: from Japan from Korea, where the art of assembling minimalist bouquets in a simple vase has developed over the centuries.
And now let’s see how you can apply the techniques of modern professional florists to arrange flowers in the house:
Classic variant. We soak the sponge with water and put the flowers on it. Yes, you can put a sponge in a vase, in a beautiful legged candy bowl, in a basket or even a salad bowl. Any container with a wide entrance will do, even those with low sides. A vase with a narrow neck will not work. A life hack for transparent vases so that the sponge does not shine through, lay the sides of the vase with ordinary food foil and you will have a beautiful silver vase (or candy bowl / or salad bowl) inside.

The secret technique of professional florists, which few people know about: metal mesh. In fact, it can be plastic, but metal holds its shape better. It is convenient to take a garden mesh, a special floristic or reinforcing plaster mesh from a hardware store. The main thing is to choose a small one, since we will put flowers in its cells.
Try, experiment, just do not forget about thick gloves to protect your hands. We cut off a small piece of mesh with metal scissors (well, this is a professional technique, right?) And we turn it into a transparent light ball in the shape of a vase. Literally one layer is enough, the main task is to create a frame. We add water. After that, you can arrange flowers in the cells at different points and at different angles. Great scope for creativity.

• Japanese device for florists – kenzan. This is a metal or plastic plate with needles. Such a small hedgehog. It comes in different shapes and sizes, usually round, but options are possible, it is installed in a vase with water, it is made of corrosion-resistant materials. And then it’s clear: we cut off the stem and put it on the needles at the right angle. It is very suitable for minimalistic compositions of literally 3-7 stems, but on kenzan it is possible to create a composition that is more saturated in composition. Execution in metal allows you to put not only delicate stems of ranunculus and tulips, but also dense wood – forsythia or lilac.

• Korean herbal technique does not involve any aids, only plants, but still allows you to tastefully and minimalistically arrange flowers in a vase. As a rule, a flat vase with low sides is used, but no one limits you – there is a huge field for experimentation. We pour water into a vase. We measure the stem, for example, of a tulip, across the width of the vase, put it in a thrust, and then put flowers on the stem, piercing it through. You can use the stem of a rose in the same way, but in order to put flowers, you will have to cut through it with a florist’s knife. However, there are no restrictions, try different plants as a basis, the main thing is to understand the principle itself.
• European florists also use natural materials as a frame, mostly twigs from which the frame is woven. Based on it, you can make a bouquet or composition, that is, arrange the flowers in the desired artistic order. There are no boundaries for a creative person.
The easiest trick is to learn how to arrange bouquets in a spiral, which looks great in any vase, narrow or wide, transparent or not. This can easily be done by completing our course.