What for?
Many florists (sometimes without knowing it) increase the amount of nutrients needed by the plant in this way. And this even makes sense, because the flower really really needs carbohydrates. Many florists (sometimes without knowing it) in this way increase the amount of nutrients needed by the plant. And this even makes sense, because the flower really needs carbohydrates.

Why does not it work?
As they say, we treat one thing, we cripple another! Sugar and other sweeteners are the best way to promote the reproduction of the very bacteria that can bring flowers to a heart attack.

What for?
Unbelievable but true – people are still trying to reanimate flowers in this way! This is explained by the fact that the plant allegedly absorbs liquid not only with the cut, but with all the fibers of its Flower Soul, and therefore it feels very good in the water. Most often, hydrangeas and roses are subjected to such executions.

Why does not it work?
Few people remember, but this was explained even in the lessons of botany at school. All flowers consume the main nutrition only through the stem / cut. The fact that hydrangea drinks with inflorescences is a myth.
But now moisture evaporates, passing through the stem, namely from the buds! Therefore, by dipping them in water, you slow down the natural process of evaporation and, due to the accumulated moisture inside, the plant comes to life for a short time.
As an emergency method, this is applicable for wedding floristry. But for retail, this can lead to rot. Selling flowers that have undergone this procedure is risky.

What for?
The acidity of ordinary tap water is approximately 7-8 pH. The optimum pH value for flower persistence is in the range of 3.5 to 5.5. pH above 5.5 promotes the rapid development of microorganisms, so florists are trying to lower this figure with citric acid.

Why does not it work?
Using citric acid, you risk making things worse. Tap water is different everywhere and it is risky to select the dosage by eye. For example, a pH below 3.5 is already an acid that burns the stem.

What for?
It is believed that in this way you increase the water absorption area and the flower drinks better, which means it stays fresh longer.
Why does not it work?
In fact, the conductive vessels are located along the outer radius of the stem immediately under the crust, and no matter how you cut it, the consumption area cannot be increased.
Interesting fact
We recommend cutting plants at a 45-degree angle only because this way the tool has less impact on the stem. If you cut at 90 degrees with a tool that is not sharp enough, you run the risk of crushing the stem too much (remember that the conductive channels are located just under the crust and are the first to suffer when pruning!). Well, with a floristic knife, cutting the stem at an acute angle is corny more convenient.